Jean-Christophe Hamilton is an observational cosmologist, Directeur de Recherche at CNRS (French National Research Center) at the APC Laboratory in Paris.
After a Ph.D. dedicated to searching type Ia supernovae (1999), he worked on CMB with Archeops and Planck until 2003, Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays with the Pierre Auger Observatory, and then back to cosmology in 2006: Large-Scale Structure with SDSS-III/BOSS and CMB Polarization with QUBIC. He also now a member of the LiteBIRD collaboration.
He started working on the concept of Bolometric Interferometry for CMB Polarization in 2006 and became the Principal Investigator of the QUBIC project in 2008. After many years of R&D, QUBIC was constructed at APC., Paris in 2018 and started laboratory calibration in 2019. After successful validation of the concept, the instrument will be shipped to its observing site in Argentina (near San Antonio de Los Cobres, Salta Province) in mid-2021 and will start operations after commissioning.
Jean-Christophe Hamilton shares his time between Data Analysis, Simulations, and Instrumental Design as well as managing the QUBIC Collaboration. He also teaches cosmology and data analysis at the Paris Open University (mostly for retired people) as well as at École Centrale/Supélec for future engineers.
Personal Webpage: http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr/APC_CS/fr/users/hamilton QUBIC Webpage: http://qubic.in2p3.fr/wordpress/