The structure of the collaborative work of the 21 institutions participating in LA-CoNGA Physics is six work packages (WP):
The WP1 (Preparation) deals with a more in-depth review (concerning the preliminary needs survey performed for this proposal described in D.1) of existing teaching methods, curricula and instrumentation laboratories in the Partner Country HEIs in light of the latest e-learning technologies and the comparable programs in the partnering Programme Country HEIs and others institutes. Methodologies used here are internet search, explorative open and closed questionnaire surveys, that will be subject to quantitative and qualitative analyses. The External Advisory Committee will assess the outcome of this work: the revised curricula, teaching methods, and equipment installation. The measurable indicators for WP1 are related to the results of the discussion/decisions at the meetings, the surveys, and desk study as well as the detailed report of the proposed curricula for the one-year master/specialization program, teaching methods, and required equipment.
WP2 (Development and installation of tools) activities aim the following goals:
- Extend, integrate, and implement the e-learning RedCLARA platform to gather the resources of the project, discussion forum for students/faculty. Production of documentation in English and Spanish and also video tutorials. Members of the team will be trained to use the platform by videoconference, how to adapt contents and formats, and create new e-learning modules taking into account local settings and target group needs.
- Buy and install laboratory equipment in each Partner Country HEI. The main ideas are diversification and cost optimization, each laboratory will focus in only one particle detection technique (Resistive Plate Chambers RPCs, Water Cherenkov Detectors WCDs, Scintillators), students, teaching and technical staff will have remote access to the detection system, and data stored in a network of repositories. A prototype test-bench installed, allows students to develop, construct, and test data acquisition modules.
WP3 (Training and education) Implements the one-year Master program including development of the e-learning mini-modules with content related to the theoretical side: quantum field theory, particle, and statistical physics as well as cutting-edge instrumentation and data analysis. The program will also include:
- Data challenges with data from CERN, PAO, LAGO installations. Non-academic data from industry associated partners will also be considered. These data challenges will require students to develop new algorithms or instruments to solve real problems.
- A mobility scheme between Latin-American countries and also with Europe with the support of our associated partners from academia and industry.
- A one-week network-school (NS) will take place towards the end of the one-year master program where the students will have the opportunity of presenting their work. However, also, we will have training specifically focused on CV, interviews, and self-assessment, as well as specific training and keynote speeches highlighting their challenges and successes from the non-academic sector partners.
WP4 (Quality Plan) comprises specific activities of evaluation, to continuously improve the project and its outcomes during the project lifetime.
WP5 (Dissemination and Exploitation) broadcasts the results of the project and its sustainability. We will implement several dissemination channels to generate awareness of the project results to relevant target groups and stakeholders. The measurable indicators are the developed strategy and withe organized dissemination activities. Associated and industrial partners will also collaborate in terms of dissemination of the results of the project using their contact networks.
WP6 (management) is related to the implementation of tools for the consortium partners to communicate efficiently, to provide clear and simple timelines and guidance on project reporting (internal and external), organize face-to-face meetings for the project partners to exchange ideas and work together on the set goals and keep the costs within the set budget. Measurable indicators for WP6 are the number of organized Board meetings and another type of meetings (e.g., task force meetings), the consortium communications and the reports and financial audits submitted according to the Work Plan