LA-CoNGA physics announces that the call to participate in the 2023 edition of the Co-Afina hackathon, to be held from 20 to 22 October, is now open. This initiative proposes that university students from Latin America, at any level (undergraduate, masters, doctorate) and discipline of knowledge, solve in teams and in a time of three intense days, challenges of science, citizenship and education, with the contribution of diverse knowledge. The challenges are focused on the use of open data with social impact in various areas. Participation will continue to be remote and one thousand dollars will be distributed among the winning groups.
Reina Camacho, a member of the Co-Afina organising team, announced that this year they will continue to apply for a fund to help those who have various difficulties to participate, so she invited people to review the details to apply and receive this benefit. Details on how to participate in the hackathon can be found on the official website:
The first edition of Co-Afina was held in 2022, when around fifty students gathered to solve problems related to agriculture, citizen science, public opinion, environment and education. CoAfina, co-organised by LA-CoNGA Physics in collaboration with Creative Commons Venezuela, Red Clara and the Academic Network of Ecuador (CEDIA), is funded in this edition by the international ICTP programme Physics Without Frontiers (PWF) (link to: PWF has for many years supported the training of more than 1000 students in more than 30 countries around the world. PWF and LA-CoNGA physics share science capacity building efforts in collaborative environments with and for local communities.

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